Category: Something to Eat - We make pancakes every weekend. It's part of the ritual of our family.
We make pancakes every weekend. It's part of the ritual of our family.
My twin boys at age 3 can almost make this on their own now - they know exactly which ingredients we need we've made these so often.
One gets to put the cinnamon in. One gets to do the vanilla. They both get 2 eggs each. I would not be telling the truth if I told you there was not a frequent argument about who gets to put the 5th egg in. It's normally me followed by a few protesting yelps.. sometimes I cave in and there ends up being 6 eggs thrown in.. then we move on to the coconut and all is well once more.
I played around with alot of different recipes and this one is one we all love!
These pancakes are delicious - protein packed and full of goodness.
- 300 grams of raw organic buckwheat kernels
- Big handful of baby spinach
- 1/2 cup organic blueberries (frozen is fine)
- 2 large ripe organic bananas
- 1tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 cup organic dessicated coconut
- 3 tbs organic coconut oil
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 5 organic eggs
- 500 ml organic whole unhomogonised milk, almond milk or filtered water works fine too if dairy free or anyone has a virus
- Grind raw buckwheat to make a flour
- Add remaining ingredients with milk last
- Blend Blend Blend
- Cook in organic coconut oil in hot pan
- Serve with organic maple syrup or fresh fruit and enjoy! We absolutely love these with home made Jam OR stewed apple & blueberries.
These are great cold too and my boys often take them for lunches or eat for dinner with different fillings!