Okay we're down for the count here! I have 2 x sick 4 year olds with temps over 39 degrees. My mum who has arrived to help for the week has also got sick and is unable to get out of bed!
My husband who is going overseas tomorrow is also unwell and extraordinarily is more work than the 3 of them together!! How does that happen?! Did somebody say 'MAN FLU'???!!!!
NO, I will NOT give you a small silver bell. Although if you ask me again you may be surprised where I can find one and also where it will fit.
I've had little sleep for 3 days.This is survival mode at it's best!
Isn't it interesting that mums simply don't have the luxury to get sick at times like this. We just have to cope, to keep going to care for those around us. Women have been doing it for centuries and we continue to do it. We are survivors and we cope when things get tough. Women are awesome.
So this is what I've been drinking for the last few days. This is what I make for myself if I can feel a virus coming on. Usually when I make this tea I never get sick or if I am sick and I drink it then I am better within a day. This is very powerful anti-viral, anti-biotic & anti-inflammatory tea. It works fast and has a very powerful affect on viruses.
This is an amazing tea for sore throats, upper respiratory infections, run down immune systems or just a tea for winter.
Just a couple of points. I use alot of garlic in this tea - sometimes up to 8 cloves. Did you know the more garlic you eat the less you smell like garlic? Garlic is an incredible natural anti-biotic and anti-viral but the garlic must be cut up to release a chemical called 'allicin'. The best way to eat garlic is raw but as not many people can tolerate that - tea is a good way to get it in.
Manuka honey is incredible for sore throats too. When you buy it there is a number on the front. The higher the number is the higher the therapeutic activity it has and the more expensive it will be. I use Manuka Honey 30 + but they are all good. You should get at least 8 + but 15+ is optimal. You buy manuka honey from supermarkets or health food shops. Amazing for wound healing and burns too! A great medicinal honey to keep in your cupboard.
I better go - I think someone is ringing their bell… this too shall pass…. calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean…. Alisa

- Either throw everything into a saucepan and bring gently to boil then pour into a glass bottle.
- Put all ingredients into a glass jar and cover with boiling water leaving for 30 minutes before drinking.
- Once this has been drunk you can easily top up with more water to sip throughout the whole day.