Nourish Me Sweet Green Smoothie

Nourish Me Sweet Green Smoothie


Difficulty: Beginner

Category: - We like it GREEN!

Yields: 2 Servings
Prep Time: 2 mins

I was so lucky to grow up in Perth not far from one of the most incredible beaches in the world. My mum would take us down most mornings and rain, hail or shine we would go for our morning run and most often a swim. My mum still swims in the ocean most mornings.

Where I live now in Melbourne I am nowhere near the beach and I miss it every single day.

Something in me feels incomplete and displaced being away from the ocean. I want to raise my kids in the same way with the sand and the surf being a part of their childhood.

A move is on the cards.. I'm not sure when. I'm not sure how… but a move is on the cards… I can feel it in my ocean bones!


  •  2 cups baby spinach
  •  1/4 of an avocado
  •  1 cup of fresh coconut water
  •  1 cup of fresh organic pineapple
  •  1 cup of frozen mango
  •  teaspoons of chia seeds
  •  2 medjool dates
  •  1 cup of filtered water


Blend and enjoy!

Green smoothies rock!